Mission & Vision

To celebrate the Christian faith
acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior


In our services, we sing, pray, read from the Bible, hear a message from one of our clergy based on the day’s readings, and receive communion. The forms we use are traditional, and trace their origins back to the very early days of the Christian church.

The congregation is actively involved in our services. One member reads the Scripture lessons at each Sunday service. A lay pastor leads prayers, and the entire congregation participates throughout the service, saying and singing other parts of the service together.

We sing traditional music which was written by those whose lives were thoroughly grounded in the faith of the Christian church. We have a musical director who accompanies us on the organ or piano.


Coffee hour after worship on Sunday mornings provides an opportunity to come together with other members of the congregation for a cup of coffee, something to eat, and some good conversation. Our coffee hour generally lasts nearly as long as our worship service.

Our men’s breakfast, women’s prayer group, and Bible study group also provide opportunities to enjoy the company of other members of our community. The friendships among our members continue outside the church. Many of our members consider our church to be an extended family.

We have occasional church dinners and other special events which are open to friends of members. We generally have entertainment as a part of these social events.


We believe our mission is not only to care for the needs of our members, but also to serve the larger community. Approximately one-third of our annual budget is spent on charitable works outside our church in support of children in need, Christian schools, and the material and spiritual needs of others locally and abroad.

We support the local food pantry with ongoing donations. Our weekly pizza parties for the local high school students were a big hit for ten years.    

We conduct an annual clothing drive for the homeless in Boston and have provided welcome home baskets to those who are being placed in permanent housing. We support a pregnancy resource center. We also contribute to the relief and development efforts of the Anglican Church in North America in our country and around the globe.

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